Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 6

Due to having to leave early for a lacrosse game, I only worked for three hours today. When I arrived in the morning Deb had a board laid out on her table with the white background fabric covered over it. From here we began placing the jerseys and logos in different positions, trying to decide which way we liked best. Once we finally found our favorite arrangement, we pinned down the jerseys to hold them in place in order to sew them to the white fabric without them sliding or moving positions. This took about an hour to complete. I was then ready to begin sewing. We knew that this would be challenging due to the large amount of fabric that I would have to man handle in and out of the machine, but despite a few mistakes that were fixed I sewed about half of them on within a two hour period. Tomorrow I will be able to finish sewing the rest of the jerseys onto the white background fabric. I still have a lot of work to do, but the quilt is coming along quite nicely!

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