Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5- The Sewing Begins

I began the morning with a late start around 10am. For an hour I worked on trimming up the jerseys rough edges in order to make them appear as clean and precise as possible. After this was done I finally began sewing! Deb and I decided that it was best to use a zig zag stitch as it was most appealing. After practicing a little bit on a scrap piece, I began to sew the logos to the green backing fabric. After this was completed I used a straight stitch to sew a border around each piece about an inch wide. This was used simply as a guideline to show me where to fold the fabric over when I began to iron the edges. All and all the sewing took about an hour. I spent my last hour of the day ironing the pieces around the corners and edges. They now will not fray when they will be placed onto the backing fabric of my quilt. They also look more precise and even around the edges. Today was a successful day and I feel as though my quilt is coming along quite nicely.


  1. Looks like fun .. sweaty old uniforms that Karl might have worn! I like the pics & video clip ... they're the best of any blog I've seen!

  2. Doug, I might have worn them...
    but I never sweat.

