Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3

Today was a tedious day. I spent three hours cutting and ironing fabric! I began where I left off yesterday, cutting the green backing fabric to the same shape of what I cut the jersey squares too. Once I finished this process, I ironed the green backing fabric onto the back sides of the jerseys by using the heat and bond sheets. It took about two hours for me to complete all of this as I ran into some difficulties with my iron. After a lunch break, I began cutting out smaller jersey logos that I will incorporate onto my quilt as well. Once all of the cutting and ironing is done I can begin sewing!

1 comment:

  1. So then how'd you like to do this for a living...working with your hands like this, day after day?! Yow! You'd get better at this over time...but you can also see how hand-made products today are so much more takes so much time!! That's why handmade family heirlooms are so special: one-of-a-kind, stitched with care.

    Any thoughts yet on what happens with this quilt? - Karl
