Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2


Hours spent on quilt: 9:15am-11:30am, 2pm-3pm

I began working around the same time today. (9 am) I first finished cutting the remaining jerseys around their seams that I did not get to yesterday. After I was done cutting out all of the jerseys along their seams, I ironed them so they will appear smoother and easier to work with. I then used a straight edge to mark where I wanted to cut the jerseys. This cut is what determines how the jerseys will appear on my quilt, so I did this very carefully. I began cutting each jersey into a square. I left about an inch to two inches of room along the border of each jersey that I cut because I will sew a gold border around each jersey when I begin the sewing process. Next, Deb showed me how to use the heat and bond paper. We ironed it onto the back of one of my jersey squares that I had just recently cut out. We then pealed off the top layer of the iron on and placed another sheet of green fabric onto the back side. We then repeated the same thing on the other side in order to combine both the jersey and the green backing. This is done in order to make the jersey piece more stable and easier to work with when I begin the sewing process. After watching Deb do most of this process, I am confident in being able to complete the remaining jerseys tomorrow on my own. After a lunch break, I took a trip to a local quilting shop and purchased a green, marble pattern fabric to use as the border of my quilt.

1 comment:

  1. boarder = border

    You're lucky to have someone like Deb who has the skills, experience and time to share with you. Sonds like you're taking advantage of it! Let me kow when I can swing by and see the work in progress....are you taking pictures along the way so you have a photo documentary to share with the people who see the final work and review your project? Karl
